Recent Trends in Eukaryotic Proteomics, Glycomics, and Lipidomics


  • Petr Man Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
  • Karel Bezouška Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague | Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague


proteomics, eukaryotic organisms, glycomics, lipidomics


An enormous complexity of eukaryotic proteomes, in which tens of thousands of different genes give rise to millions of protein products, brings about new demands and challenges on the sensitivity, dynamic range, and robustness of analytical approaches employed for their analysis. The technologies behind the modern proteomics of eukaryots rely on a combination of microscale separation techniques and powerful detection methods, first of all by mass spectrometry. Analysis of other classes of natural compounds such as carbohydrates or lipids requires the development of innovative strategies several of which are described in this review. The analytical methods resulted in the acquisition of a wealth of information that needs to be sorted, presented, and cataloged using modern tools of current bioinformatics.



How to Cite

Man, P., & Bezouška, K. (2006). Recent Trends in Eukaryotic Proteomics, Glycomics, and Lipidomics. Chemické Listy, 100(12), 1084–1095. Retrieved from


