Relative Radiometric Normalization for Chlorophyll-a Monitoring in Water Using Sentinel-2 Satellite


  • T. Brunclík Institute of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice
  • K. A. B. Danquah Institute of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Pardubice


monitoring, chlorophyll-a, water bodies, remote sensing, satellite, Sentinel-2, atmospheric correction, relative radiometric normalization


It was the objective of this work to develop a procedure for the relative radiometric normalization of Sentinel-2 images and to verify its applicability in the modeling of chlorophyll-a concentration based on satellite data. A process of analyzing changes for the selection of pseudo-invariant surfaces has been proposed. These pseudo-invariant surfaces were used in a newly developed spatially variable variant   of relative radiometric normalization. The satellite data already corrected by the Sen2Cor program were additionally corrected by the proposed procedure. Models were developed to calculate the concentration of chlorophyll-a from Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Models based on unmodified and radiometrically normalized satellite data were compared. The positive effect of the proposed procedure on the chlorophyll-a model was proven.



How to Cite

Brunclík, T., & Danquah, K. A. B. (2018). Relative Radiometric Normalization for Chlorophyll-a Monitoring in Water Using Sentinel-2 Satellite. Chemické Listy, 112(12), 866–869. Retrieved from


