Možnosti stanovení uhlovodíků C10-C40 v kompostech a kalech metodou plynové chromatografie s plamenově-ionizačním detektorem s klasickým injektorem s děličem a bez děliče toku
Klíčová slova:
uhlovodíky C10 až C40, GC-FID, kaly, kompostyAbstrakt
The paper presents the development and validation of a procedure for qualitative and quantitative monitoring of hydrocarbon pollution in composts and sludges by GC-FID using a split/splitless injector. The limits of detection and quantification were 140 and 470 mg kg-1, respectively. The mean value obtained from 14 analyses was 47 mg kg-1, with the uncertainty at the concentration 1 g kg-1 being 10.2 % (by analysis of spiked samples). When estimating the overall uncertainty, additional effects must be considered. It can be used for determination of the C10-C40 hydrocarbon content in various matrices such as soil, solid waste and sediments.